Looking for a lost contract or other important document? Interested in green strategies that can save some money for your firm?
Online Faxing is the perfect, streamlined way to manage inbound and outbound faxes and free yourself from your fax machine while potentially reducing paper.
SmilingHost.com's feature-rich Online Faxing packages are sure to make a positive business impact. Benefits include:
Fax to and from your desktop, laptop or smartphone anywhere, anytime and anyway you can access a web browser
Reduce costs and support ‘green’ strategies by minimizing the need for fax equipment, fax lines and paper
Eliminate paper pileups, paper jams, and lost business when fax is "busy"
Increase traceability and sharing of crucial documents as they are stored and forwarded electronically
Improved outbound communications – send fax broadcasts to as many as 20 numbers simultaneously
Improved inbound communications – send inbound faxes via email addresses to support internal business processes
Increase the privacy of inbound faxes when they deliver directly to a specified email address instead of waiting at a common fax machine